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Solar Hot Water

Why Solar Hot Water?

The demand to fuel our industries has put a tremendous strain on the Earth's resources. As the world's population grows, so does our need for natural resources.

Coal, propane, natural gas, and fossil fuel resources are dwindling, and alternative energy sources are needed. We have options. Renewable energy means the supply will never run out, and solar thermal energy is the most abundant natural source available today. The more we adopt this form of energy, the sooner we can restore environmental balance.

How It Works

A solar hot water system is really quite simple. You're using the sun's energy to heat a solar collector full of solar fluid (or water, depending on which type of system you install), which then transfers that heat (or hot water) into your home's hot water tank.

remote mount
When there is sufficient heat to be drawn from the collectors, a controller automatically activates pumps. Heated solar fluid is then circulated from the collector, through a heat exchanger where its heat is transferred to water in the storage tank. The solar fluid is then pumped back to the collector to once again be reheated. This circulation loop will continue as long as there is heat to be drawn from the collector. During times when there is little or no sun, a backup heating system will be activated to provide adequate hot water.

A Reliable Solution

Solar hot water systems are extremely efficient, providing up to 60% of a home's annual hot water needs.

Solar hot water has proven that it's efficient and reliable. In fact, solar hot water has been used in different ways for hundreds of years. Today, solar hot water technologies have evolved into systems that perform extremely well in all climates. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that over 1 million U.S. homes have had a solar hot water system installed.

Unlimited Free Energy

Conventional fuel resources such as coal and oil are destined to increase in cost, and eventually run out. The sun's power is unlimited and available to everyone. It's free! No corporations or utility companies own the rights to the sun's energy, so there are no monthly bills.


A solar hot water system means being less dependent on your local utility company. Did you know that California utility rates alone have steadily risen 6.7% annually for the past 30 years? Because homes with solar hot water systems are far less dependent on utility companies, price hikes have little effect on them.